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Newsletter 01/23

Flood of patients, distemper epidemic and new arrivals on hooves - the first quarter of 2023 was again a busy one at the Dog Care Clinic

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Dear DCC friends,

I have been back in Sri Lanka since mid-March to supervise our programs and projects on the ground. The economic situation is still catastrophic. So far, we have been able to absorb the inflation due to the weak rupee exchange rate. Fortunately, we receive the majority of our donations in euros. Now, however, due to a loan from the World Monetary Fund, the rupee has been artificially inflated and thus the costs for us have increased dramatically from one moment to the next.

But it is not only the situation in Sri Lanka that gives me a big headache. For weeks I have been struggling to find a way to continue to obtain the medicines that are not available in Sri Lanka from Germany. In January 2023, the drug dispensing regulations in Germany changed, which now makes it impossible for us to buy veterinary products. We are in a desperate situation because the lives of our patients depend on imported medicines and we need them in large quantities.

Since the beginning of the year, we have performed 21,131 treatments. In addition, we have performed 182 major surgeries, such as amputations, tumor removals and cesarean sections, as well as 3,065 castrations. Even medicines that are available in Sri Lanka can only be obtained at great expense. This also applies to vaccines, for example. Nevertheless, we were able to carry out 4,267 vaccinations.

You can imagine how difficult it is to maintain this even in times of crisis.

I am very grateful for your support!


Donate 1 vaccination

5 Euro via PayPal

Sponsor a one-week treatment

85 Euro via PayPal

Donate one spay/neuter

25 Euro via PayPal

Sponsor one amputation

150 Euro via PayPal

Shen, Korral und Narapo - nur drei von Dutzenden Langzeitpatienten in der Klinik

Shen had an accident in which he got a fracture of the right hind leg. We plastered the leg and kept the dog with us. But Shen was so terribly homesick that we decided to send him home for a good recovery. However, at home he nibbled off the cast and unfortunately the owners did not inform us about it. Only after we had tried to reach them by phone for days did they finally come. But by then it was already too late. The leg could not be saved anymore.

Donate here for Shen

Korral has already been with us in the clinic for close to three weeks. He is still very scared. Considering the terrible condition in which he came to us, we are not a bit surprised. He must have experienced the worst.

We take care of maltreated dogs like Korral and do our best to help them recover not only physically but also mentally. Korral deserves a happy life!

Donate for Korral
We do not know exactly what happened to Narapo. It is quite possible that she was attacked by a dog hater. But one thing is certain: if a passerby had not brought her to us, she would have died in agony. Maggots would have eaten her alive. But now Narapo is safe and receives the necessary wound care. For us, this means another long-term patient despite being full to the brim.
Donate for Narapo

It is bad enough when diseases and injuries of dogs are ignored. But unfortunately, there continues to be a great deal of violence that is intentionally inflicted on animals. Often the dogs get into fights between neighbors or hostile families.

Brown lost his left eye in an attack by the neighbors and poor Sword was almost murdered with a machete in a big fight between two families.

We were able to save both dogs.

The difference YOUR donation makes:
Coconut was in very bad shape when he was brought to us by a tourist: advanced demodicosis, numerous secondary infections, poor nutritional status and a severely swollen hind leg. Coconut made a full recovery with us and we were able to place him in our DCC 50+ program.

Harly was thrown in front of our garage door in terrible condition. His owners had lost interest in their constantly sick puppy. We took Harly in and nursed him back to health over the course of many weeks.

More than once we feared for his life, but he made it!
Henry was brought to us by Ceylon Paws for inpatient treatment. He was suffering from mange and babesiosis and had a badly wounded paw. Initially, we were not sure if we would be able to save the leg, but weeks of wound care achieved a good result. Completely recovered, Henry could then return to his familiar territory.

Help! Distemper epidemic!!!

Right now we are fighting a distemper outbreak in our area. In order to prevent further spread of this deadly disease, we need to shorten the vaccination interval from two years to one year. Therefore, we have vaccinated all dogs in the clinic in a mammory task.  A total of about 800 vaccinations of the dogs on the feeding tours and in our rehome program are still pending. Unfortunately, the vaccine is very expensive at 5 Euros per dose. In this quantity, this is not to be managed for us alone and therefore I hope for your help!

Donate 1 vaccination
Donate 5 vaccinations


In order to further improve the care of the dogs and to avoid unnecessary amputations, we recently launched an appeal for donations for a mobile x-ray machine. Your response has completely overwhelmed me and I am incredibly happy to announce that the total needed amount of 20,000 Euros has been reached! The order for the device has been placed and we are now eagerly awaiting delivery. We will keep you posted on Facebook and Instagram!

The story of Jeewani and her daughter Githmi

As you know, I care not only about the animals, but also about the local people. Most of the humanitarian aid I do I don't publish but now I would like to ask for your support.
Jeewani, who you can see in the first photo, is married and has two daughters. One of the daughters, Githmi (also on the photo) is mentally handicapped. Jeewani's husband was paraplegic and in need of care since an accident and passed away earlier this year. Githmi spent her days at home and with work and caring for her husband, Jeewani could hardly do her justice.
When I learned about the situation, I really wanted to take the pressure of Jeewani's shoulders and support Githmi in her development.  After some research I found the "Smile Center" in Unawatuna, a school for mentally handicapped children and young adults. Githmi was accepted and really blossomed. On days when school is not in session, she takes care of the dogs at the clinic.
The school teaches 46 students, but during my recent visit, only a fraction of them were there. The reason: most families can no longer afford the cost of the bus, so the children have to stay at home.
Monthly, 126,912.00 LKR is needed. According to the current exchange rate this is 360.00 Euro.
I would be incredibly happy if a few people could be found who would help us permanently with a monthly (partial) donation to ensure the children's participation in school.

Get in touch if you'd like to help (
The DCC family is growing

This quarter we not only rescued countless dogs and cats, but also saved six goats from death. Bob, Marley, Elsa, Meckie, Fee and Flocke can now live a sheltered life at the DCC.
On my birthday, the team surprised me with a donkey. They had all pitched in to buy him free. Due to a walking disability, he was no longer usable as a pack donkey and no one would have taken care of him. I named him General.


Of course sponsorships are also possible for our hoofed animals!

Besides donations and donations in kind, there are many ways to support us without spending a single Cent:

  • Like, share and comment on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube, to increase our exposure!
  • Tell friends and family about us
  • Share this newsletter
  • start a Facebook fundraiser for your birthday
I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your support! You carry me through times of crisis and encourage me to never give up!
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Dog Care Clinic e.V. · Kronenstr. 34 · VS-Schwenningen 78054 · Germany