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Please make the difference ! Please help us to help !

Seit 2007 setzt die DCC auf ein konsequentes Impf-u. Kastrationsprogramm...

Mit über 58.000 Kastrationen und mehr als 530.000 Impfungen erreichten wir...

Since 2007 the DCC is conducting a consequent vaccination & spayneuter program...
With plus 58.000 neuterings and more than 530.000 vaccinations we managed to have a much smaller and healthier dog popoluation in our area.

Sadly there are no matching programs in the adjoining areas, our resources are limited and so there's hardly a single day we won't have to find puppies from right those areas in front of our gate - Cause its well know, that the DCC always helps ‼️
But by now we are - literally (!) - drowning in puppies and teens...

The only solution would be frequent spayneuter assignments in the adjoining areas...

A mobile team of experts under the supervision of the known Vet Dr. Chamith could vaccinate & neuter an additional (!) 50 dogs on each assignment and one neutering today prevents the suffering of hundreds of dogs tomorrow ‼️

With an expertise of more than 18 years best practice, documentation and after care could be guaranteed - but we need YOUR support to finance these additional capacities !

On the exchange rate today the funds needed per assignment are € 575 there shall be (at least) 5 assignments in August, so all in all € 2.875 have to be raised.

So we ask you dearly
Please make the difference !  
Please help us to help ! 

Zusätzlich (!) 50 Hunde pro Einsatz können in der mobilen Klinik geimpft und kastriert werden.