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Name: Bob
Gender: Male
Neutered/Spayed: No
Vaccinated: No
DCC dog since: 1 year and 1 month

Goats are herd animals with a clear hierarchy. Bob is the boss of our herd. As the lead billy goat, it is usually he who comes to feed first and the herd then follows him. Bob is very trusting and likes to be petted, although he certainly never experienced such affection in his earlier life.

In the DCC we give Bob a happy life and we are very happy if you help us as a sponsor!

External cover for Bob at 1.67%

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Bob received one-off donations from:

Nina-Maria Nahlenz


Goats are herd animals with a clear hierarchy. Bob is the boss of our herd. As the lead billy goat, it is usually he who comes to feed first and the herd then follows him. Bob is very trusting and likes to be petted, although he certainly never experienced such affection in his earlier life.

In the DCC we give Bob a happy life and we are very happy if you help us as a sponsor!