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Name: Selma
Breed: Mix
Gender: Female
Age: ca 13 years and 8 months
Neutered/Spayed: Yes
Vaccinated: Yes
DCC dog for: 11 years and 8 months

Selma was a "representative" for around 20 dogs at the <link _blank internal-link dogcareclinik>Galle Retirement Home, the DCC team has been caring for since September 2012.

The seniors keep their dogs with loving care, still just lacking the knowledge and the funds to keep their darlings the way they should be kept.

So, basically every dog is affected by parasites and infections.

Immediately after the DCC team came to know about the situation we established a support project. Every dog received an emergency treatment and vaccinations.

Selmas wounds started to heal and with a few stays at the clinic she got over her infections pretty much by now. We were able to achieve great results.

Still Selma's friends will always need frequent visits and care - they are true "problem childs"

Selma's last stay at the clinic unfortunately brought a sad diagnosis - she had cancer, so we kept her with us at the clinic, to ensure she'll have a painfree evening of life in dignity.

But in August 2017 the cancer won and Selma left us forever.....

Still today the DCC Teams visit the retirement home every four weeks - please read more information about our <link internal-link internal link in current>retirement home project through which we not only help the dogs but the people as well.

Selma was support by -
Anna Lorber
Ester Schulze
Jörg Pollack
Katrin Lange
Jochen Pretli  

<link http: _blank>


Selma was a "representative" for around 20 dogs at the <link _blank internal-link dogcareclinik>Galle Retirement Home, the DCC team has been caring for since September 2012.

The seniors keep their dogs with loving care, still just lacking the knowledge and the funds to keep their darlings the way they should be kept.

So, basically every dog is affected by parasites and infections.

Immediately after the DCC team came to know about the situation we established a support project. Every dog received an emergency treatment and vaccinations.

Selmas wounds started to heal and with a few stays at the clinic she got over her infections pretty much by now. We were able to achieve great results.

Still Selma's friends will always need frequent visits and care - they are true "problem childs"

Selma's last stay at the clinic unfortunately brought a sad diagnosis - she had cancer, so we kept her with us at the clinic, to ensure she'll have a painfree evening of life in dignity.

But in August 2017 the cancer won and Selma left us forever.....

Still today the DCC Teams visit the retirement home every four weeks - please read more information about our <link internal-link internal link in current>retirement home project through which we not only help the dogs but the people as well.

Selma was support by -
Anna Lorber
Ester Schulze
Jörg Pollack
Katrin Lange
Jochen Pretli  

<link http: _blank>