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Name: Victoria
Breed: Shepherd
Gender: Female
Neutered/Spayed: Yes
Vaccinated: Yes
DCC dog since: 6 years and 6 months

Victoria, a breeded shepherd, was chained to a tree in close proximity to the clinic. We could hardly find a place on heris body without a wound.

Being a shepherd, Victoria is yet another pedigree dog, breeded nonsensically to sell it for good money. The owners apparently quickyl lost interest in their dog and were unable to take proper care of it.

Now, Victoria is safe under our care and will not be abused as a birthing machine. In a long-term therapy we treated her skin diseases, her physical as well as psychological wounds and were able to find her a loving home very close to the clinic through our rehome program. Like for all our dogs we also continue the care for Victoria. 

Victoria, your second life has now begun!

Do YOU want to accompany and adopt her?

External cover for Victoria at 37.50%

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Victoria is sponsored by:

Sandra Treß
Carmen Schima
Karolin Schreiber
Petra Seiser

Alexandra Lauchstädt


Victoria, a breeded shepherd, was chained to a tree in close proximity to the clinic. We could hardly find a place on heris body without a wound.

Being a shepherd, Victoria is yet another pedigree dog, breeded nonsensically to sell it for good money. The owners apparently quickyl lost interest in their dog and were unable to take proper care of it.

Now, Victoria is safe under our care and will not be abused as a birthing machine. In a long-term therapy we treated her skin diseases, her physical as well as psychological wounds and were able to find her a loving home very close to the clinic through our rehome program. Like for all our dogs we also continue the care for Victoria. 

Victoria, your second life has now begun!

Do YOU want to accompany and adopt her?