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Marina Möbius

Carrier of the Medal of Merit of the Federal Republic Germany



It was never my plan to found an animal charity in Sri Lanka, but when I was confronted with the suffering and misery of the street dogs during a vacation in 2004, I couldn't close my eyes. I had to do something about it! Since that moment I have been working 365 days a year for the animals in Sri Lanka. I am incredibly proud of what we achieve every day. A clinic like the Dog Care Clinic is unique in the world.

I was trained by local and European veterinarians and together with them I set up the therapy plans for our patients. We never stand still and I am constantly working on improving the treatments and the standard of the clinic. Despite our limited financial resources, we have a modern laboratory and a fully equipped operating theatre.

I join our feeding and visit tours as often as possible since the direct contact and a personal overview of the situation of the animals in our district is a matter close to my heart. Respectful and close contact with the local residents prove to be very helpful in convincing them to have their animals vaccinated and castrated free of charge.

This is the only permanent solution to the street dog problem in Sri Lanka.

As an entrepreneur, I know how important sustainability is. Animal welfare must be operated with heart AND mind. And that's exactly what I do.

For my commitment to the Dog Care Clinic e.V. I received the Medal of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2022. It is the highest recognition that the Federal Republic of Germany gives for services to the common good.

A smaller, but healthier dog population is my goal - but all this has has to be
funded and after 10 years I have to finance more than 60% of the running
project costs by my own means - every single Euro helps !

Thus my call to all animal friends  -