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The DCC 50+ Program - Help for Animals AND People

Since 2007 DCC stands for much more, than animal welfare, a social project to help animals and people and so we extended our ReHome Project since September 2014 by the DCC 50+ Program.

Sadly "older" (this starts already with dogs from 1 year old) and/or sick dogs
have hardly a chance to find a nice ReHome foster family.

Many dogs were abandoned by their owners simply disposed off in the streets,
others had to be taken from their owners because they were neglected in the
worst ways one can imagine.

These dogs are much too used to human company to be cared for on the 
streets via our Daily Tours or need permanent medication - the "typical"
DCC Residents.

But our space is not unlimited and the - too often found - dog hoarding is an
absolute No-Go for us, a true dilemma...

Since there is no social security in Sri Lanka and by our running project at the
Galle Retirement Home we got the idea to create an (additional) income for the
senior locals.

Actually, not an additional income but only too often the only income for many
elders - thus -

                                       literally a Win Win Situation for all.

Through the DCC 50+ program we find FURever homes for our Resident dogs
and help old and needy people - every 50+ partner receives a monthly pension.

As like with every "normal" ReHome dog the DCC 50+ Program also includes all
medical care, frequent check-ups free of charge and food support is given.

So the overall additional cost per dog has to be calculated with at least 85 € per
and this sum has to be funded sustainably month by month !

Our DCC 50+ Program

The DCC 50+ program enables us to reach several generations at the same time since the elderly often live with their grown-up children and grandchildren. Even the little ones learn how nice it is to have a dog as a companion.

With a donation or sponsorship for this program you help us to help animals AND people in Sri Lanka!

We visit each of our 50+ dogs monthly, and by now one check up tour one takes
a team four days,

This is a video of one of our check-up tours:


Every donation helps

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to DCC 50+
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to DCC 50+
Here is an alternative to donate: I want to donate without PayPal

DCC 50+ is supported by:

  • Annegret Fleck 03/23, Doris Tiegs 01/23, Anke Korner 12/22, Maria Kaiser 12/22, Angelika Bifulco 12/22, Alexandra Kaiser 11/22, Beate Schiffer 10/22, Ilka Teakle (10/22), Maria Holzmann (08/22), Sandy Helbig (05/22), Christin Fritsche (04/22), Jeremy Hudson (04/22), Anne Coronado from " Treats for Yanabee " (2022), Meike Greiner-Schönberg 05/23, Stefanie Steyski 05/23, Solveig Schmurr 11/23, Victoria and Joseph 12/23, Annegret Fleck 03/24, Valenta Nina (05/23), Michaela Reisser 08/24, Laila Schenk 09/24
  • Jutta Williams, Claudia Weber, Ina Damas, Alexa Tulaszewski, Sarah Menzel, Michelle Green, Helmut Siebrecht, Michael Adenau, Connie Garza, Nina Valenta, Daniel Göring, Kornelia Krines, Monica Koehler, Katrin Dünzelmann, Edeltraud Valenta, Angela Koch, Karin Harder, Bettina Jülfs, Ulrike Sieber, Sonja Assmann, Antje Weiss, Sabine Neschner, Beate Dresel, Simone Pufe, Monika & Waldemar Poetsch, Emily Cox & Matthew Webb, Ellen & Volker Nagel, Gina Dusza, Christiane Kylvag, Beate Schiffer, Stefan Brechelmacher, Barbara & Hubert Renkel, Alexandra Renz, Karin Kennedy, Virginie Jolivet, Sarah Gruber, Sina Nähring, Oliver Schnitzler, Angelika Hoffmann, Monika Stajer, Kim Denise Seither, TRAVELKID Fernreisen GmbH & Co KG, Julia Lesniowski, Johanna Deppe, Beate Burghard, Barbara Willi, Claudia Huhn, Doreen Genzel, Cindy Buechner, Maria Walter, Uta Hardert, Anja Bergs, einer Tierfreundin, Anita Bott, Jan Jasper Klein, Maja Ewel, Susann Nguyen, Tanja Moll, Maja Ewel, Familie Grüterich