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Dog food

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Donate dog food

We feed around 1,200 animals inside and outside the clinic every day. We prepare the food in the clinic kitchen and make sure it contains all the necessary nutrients. The demand is enormous and we cannot bear the costs alone.

Every single day we feed at least 160 kg of rice, 120 kg of chicken, 80 kg of liver (we also use this for the medication), 25 kg of chicken necks, 60 kg of vegetables, 8 kg of dry food and 4 bulk packs of sausages. We also add spices, stock cubes, oil and coconuts

Daily costs of around 700 euros arise for the food alone - and this does not include the costs for the preparation and distribution.

This is the impact of your donation:

  •   5 euros = 2kg of dry food
  • 10 euros = 5kg of rice
  • 20 euros = 20 filled and fed food bowls


Dog food was donated by:

Sarah Lorenz, Claudia Schmitt, Katrin Brockmann, Gabi Penkin, Monika Janitzek, Julia Genze, Dennis Eichardt, Susanne Hahn, Claudia Huber-Eustachi, Monika Dippner, Marion Dörr, Nathalie Steinhauser, Elfriede Süss, Berit Behrends, Kerstin Labermeyer, Ulrike Quaderer, Monika Angne-Scheid, Irina Schick-Gaidarow, Neza Lubej, Anette Doerter, Nathalie Lütz, Kathryn Sanderson, Andrea Otto, Melanie Hujber, Helga Hujber, Anja Kemmer, Reinhard Warrle, Isabel Wolff, Marc Schwier, Sabine Heiland, Tanja Tichy, Selin Böhmann, Wolfgang Brühl, Maximilian Mischinger, Caroline Scherzinger, Cini Wohkittel, Timo Reiher, Rahel Zimmermann, Daniela Kaminski, Jana Van Geetova, Martin Henning, Philipp Schuldner, Sylvia Stück, Luisa Singer, Cassandra Breit, Martin Baumeister, Georgina MacArthur, Andrea Volmer, Andrea Wigger, Philipp Schürer, Claudia Thiedmann, Hasan & Verena Yiner, Melody Laffitan, Miriam Nawagamuwa, Karoline Lazaj, Angelina Ege, Jasmin Plag, Karina Schöpgens, Karolina Morcinek, Silke Marten, Petra Seiser, Ilka Petersen, Claudia Weber, Jutta Hildebrand, Michael Heckelmann, Beate Allgeuer, Krittika Singh, Doris Grilberger, Ellen Geisel, Nicola Thomas, Manuela Heuser, Shalyn Isaacs, Nina Strunz, Marc Leidinger, Corinne Müller, Susanne Fischer, Sabine Müller, Roger Hoffmann, Sebastian Heinloth, Sylvia Paur, Jessica Gogollok, Janina Gassler, Gabriele Kramer, Nadia Weiß, Franziska Veit, Stephanie Wille, Larissa Friefhoff, Dominik Henne, Patrick Hofsommer, Janine Mähr, Janine Winter, Enola Häußler, Katja Winzinger, Karina Hinz, Jutta Ludorf, Monique Necke, Melanie Brunner-Bleich, Nazanin Talebpour Fard, Sabine Caprioli, Imken Wohlgemuth, Franziska Neupoetsch, Frederike Verena Freiin von Rechenberg, Jessica Degendorfer, Céline Gross, Denice Trefz, Marie-Kristin von der Heyde, Melanie Klein

Johannes Hitzler 12/23, Axel Blümel 12/23, Vishuddha 12/23, Gabriele Hitzler 01/24, Kaocat and Zozodog  01/24, Verena Gaggl 01/24, Familie Kissel 01/24, Franziska Bielcik 02/24, Alexandra Neukirch 02/24, Simone Fritsch 03/24, Birgit Lindemann 03/24, Dana Lorenz 03/34, Cynthia Säurig 05/24, Anna Hatzfeld 05/24, Deborah Säurig 05/24, Michael Otto 04/24, Daniela Matthes 04/24, Britta Kleinfeldt 04/24, Ellen Geisel 06/24, Danielle Peters-Elshoff 06/24, Bernd Hülswitt 06/24, Florian Hitzler 10/24, Julia Habitzreither 10/24, Milica Djuric 11/24, Waltraud Reisenzahn 12/24, Nina Elmas 12/24, Claudia Weber 12/24, Maike Sudfeld 12/24, Nadine Rösner 12/24, Jennifer Städing 12/24, Nadja Dederer 12/24, Bastian Brockschmidt 12/24, Florian Horn 12/24, Ellen Geisel 12/24, Doreen Duda 12/24, Celina Nutto 12/24

Feed for our ungulates

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Donate feed for our ungulates

Of course, our herd of hoofed animals also needs to be provided with feed. Although we take the cows out to graze every day, we also give them concentrated feed, vegetables and additional minerals. Our donkeys and goats stay on the grounds all day and receive two meals a day.
We feed the animals with concentrated feed, vegetables and fruit. This results in costs of 400 euros per week for the feed alone. Added to this are the costs of buying and preparing the food.

Please support our rescued ungulates, which we care for on a daily basis. We are very happy about every sponsorship that helps to cover these costs.

Cow food was donated by:

  • Claudia Schmitt
  • Florian Horn, 12/24
  • Martina Osterland 03/24
  • Denise Grothe 02/24
  • Axel Blümel 12/23
  • Marina Heckmann 09/23
  • Johanna Richter 07/22
  • Sabine Vidanapathirana 07/22
  • Martin Lothar Stolz 07/22
  • Marina Heckmann 08/22
  • Beate Schiffer 10/22
  • Maike Laqua 12/22
  • Harald Wittek 12/22