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The situation of animals in Sri Lanka


An animal's life is far from easy in Sri Lanka.

People's awareness of animals is still very limited.

There are an estimated 20 million stray dogs, who
suffer from hunger and untreated disease.

Only too often they are shot, beaten to death or

Many people who own dogs are poor and can not
afford vets' fees, so the major share of our treat-
ments are done free of charge.

Most dogs live on the streets, most every day we
find dogs in an appalling state.


The greatness of a nation can be judged
by the way its animals are treated

(Mahatma Gandhi)

Unspayed bitches produce several litters of puppies every
year, which are simply abandoned in front of temples or
our gate.

These puppies are usually too small to have the slightest
chance of survival.

Most of them die of hunger or parasites, or fall victim to
animal abusers.

It is a vicious cycle - the animals which survive go on to
produce their own offspring...

..that's why since the very beginning of the DCC a consequent
Vaccination & Neutering Program 365 days a year has
always been one of our main objectives.

Please give them hope - Please help us to help !

The bitter truth...

This video shows the bitter truth, situations our teams have to face
almost every single day and it is explicitly NOT suitable for minors and
for the faint of heart.

Especially at the "outskirts" of the DCC territory hell on earth begins
for the dogs and many organisations ignore the "hopeless cases"

It is with sadness and a heavy heart that we will act and help a dog
cross the rainbow bridge if they are beyond help. We see it as our
sad duty to put a dog down if there is no quality of life.

No dog deserves to die in a ditch !

Please help us to help !