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Name: Fee
Gender: Female
Neutered/Spayed: No
Vaccinated: No
DCC dog since: 11 months

Fee is well recognizable by her long black ears. We also rescued her from the slaughterhouse so that she can now live a cared-for life with her herd on our premises. We have also adapted the cows' area to the needs of the goats. They have climbing and retreat opportunities and are fed daily. Once a week, all hoofed animals receive a check-up from our veterinarian.

Each of our goats is also very happy to have sponsors

External cover for Fee at 0.00%

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Fee is well recognizable by her long black ears. We also rescued her from the slaughterhouse so that she can now live a cared-for life with her herd on our premises. We have also adapted the cows' area to the needs of the goats. They have climbing and retreat opportunities and are fed daily. Once a week, all hoofed animals receive a check-up from our veterinarian.

Each of our goats is also very happy to have sponsors