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Newsletter 04/23

Urgen renovation work needed

Shortly before Christmas, I received some bad news from Sri Lanka. Urgent renovation work is needed. Our so-called "New Clinic Garden" is falling apart and the roofs are in danger of collapsing. We urgently need to completely renovate this area.

We accommodate some of our long-term patients here on 900m². The garden is divided into two areas and offers the animals space to run around, retreat and shelter from the sun and rain. Not only medical treatment is important for the recovery process, but also mental stability. Many of the rescues are traumatized and have experienced the worst. In the New Clinic Garden, the sick and injured dogs can regain their strength, but this is hardly possible in the current state of the grounds. The costs will amount to around 15,000 euros. We would like to start the renovation as soon as possible, because we take in new long-term patients every day.
Every euro helps us!

Donate via PayPal for the renovation
If the link does not work, you can also donate directly via PayPal ( or by bank transfer. Please find all account details for your country here:

Once again this year, we were able to give thousands of dogs a new life. The dramatic story of Kiki, who was brutally beaten while looking for food for herself and her puppy, will certainly be remembered: MAybe you have already heard about it?

Every donation helps and is the difference between life and death
Kiki has learned to walk again and Chubby is happy to grow up alongside his mom. But then came the shock a week ago: Kiki contracted babesiosis. She was very lucky that she was already in the DCC at the time, as babesiosis (tick fever) is usually fatal if left untreated. We now have to save her life a second time. The costs for her four-week long treatment are around 300 euros. Please help us to cover these costs.
Donate here for our brave Kiki
Of every donated Euro 100% reach the dogs in need. This is our impact last month alone:

We still have our hands full. Emergencies are reported to us every day by phone and via social media. We are constantly working to rescue sick and seriously injured dogs from the streets. In addition, more and more dog owners are coming to us because they cannot afford vet fees or are unhappy with their regular vet. We carry out all treatments for the needy population completely free of charge! On peak days, we now care for up to 1,500 animals inside and outside the clinic!


Christmas angels wanted!

<<First Name>>, help us to make this Christmas a very special one for our rescues. Sadly, these DCC residents have not yet been able to find a single sponsor. Some of them have been waiting for several years! Would you like to be the Christmas angel for one of them and adopt them virtually with a sponsorship? A sponsorship also makes a great Christmas present. We will send you a personalized certificate that you can put under the Christmas tree.Guaranteed!

Sponsorships can be set up as a subscription payment via PayPal ( or standing order to our donation account. You can choose the amount of monthly support yourself. Most sponsorships are between 10 and 25 euros. Please state "sponsorship NAME OF ANIMAL" as the reason for payment. Please write to us if you have any questions or if you would like to give a sponsorship as a gift:

You are looking for a different dog or hoofed animal? There are many more on our webpage:
Chose your sponsor animal here and be his/her hero

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You and all other supporters are a huge help to improve the situation of the animals in southern Sri Lanka in the long term. This is only possible together!

I wish you and your loved ones a peaceful Advent season and a wonderful Christmas.

Thank you for being there for us.
Marina Möbius and the entire DCC team

  • How you can help

    • Donations
      The Dog Care Clinic is financed exclusively via donations. Unfortunately, we do not receive any monetary support via the government. You can donate via PayPal ( or via bank transfer