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Problematic customs

Our animal feed got destroyed


Due to a lack of alternatives, we are forced to ship many supplies to Sri Lanka by container. This is time-consuming and expensive, but many things are not available in Sri Lanka or are of too poor quality. In August (!!) our last container arrived in Colombo and 260 kilograms of animal feed were confiscated. We have now run the gauntlet through all the authorities for 4 months (although we had all the necessary certificates) and were horrified when we received the boxes on Tuesday. We had to dispose of a large part of them due to rot, moisture, damage, mice, cockroaches, maggots and all kinds of parasites. A catastrophe!
But that's not all, because despite the desolate condition of the items, we had to pay import fees of 803,820 LKR - that's almost 2,300 euros!!!!
And this is not the first time we have had to deal with harassment and arbitrariness. It is a total disaster. We are doing the country a huge service and are being treated in such a way.

We now urgently need your help!

We must somehow compensate for the loss of food and finance the exorbitant fees and need to find other ways to import the food. If you travel to Sri Lanka please consider donations in kind!

Please support us in whatever way you can and make this mess public!!!

You can donate via PayPal to or bank transfer IBAN: DE67 6945 0065 0150 9692 21 under the keyword "Container".