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Name: General
Gender: Male
Neutered/Spayed: Yes
Vaccinated: No
DCC dog since: 1 year

For Marina Möbius' birthday, the DCC team came up with something very special. Everyone pitched in to buy the freedom of a donkey with a walking disability. That's how General came to us. His disability is not very pronounced, but for his owner he was no longer useful as a pack donkey. Certainly he would not have been well cared for.

General now lives with the animals in our "Cow Area". His favorite activity is eating, as he almost always has an appetite.

At the DCC he lacks nothing and we would be happy if donkey friends could be found to help us cover the feed and care costs.

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External cover for General at 13.89%

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General is sponsored by:

Edgar Graumann
Christian Beck


For Marina Möbius' birthday, the DCC team came up with something very special. Everyone pitched in to buy the freedom of a donkey with a walking disability. That's how General came to us. His disability is not very pronounced, but for his owner he was no longer useful as a pack donkey. Certainly he would not have been well cared for.

General now lives with the animals in our "Cow Area". His favorite activity is eating, as he almost always has an appetite.

At the DCC he lacks nothing and we would be happy if donkey friends could be found to help us cover the feed and care costs.

Would you like to support General as a sponsor?