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Name: Quasi
Breed: Mix
Gender: Male
Neutered/Spayed: Yes
Vaccinated: Yes
DCC dog for: 12 years and 2 months

Quasi had deformed front legs due to the lack of calcium when he
was a puppy, so he never found foster family...

He was always depending on our care and on nice sponsors willing
to support him, but he was also a very lively and happy dog, that
blended in well with our DCC packs

As a DCC Resident he spent so many happ years with us till his kidneys
failed in March 2018 - Run free old friend, we'll never forget you...

Quasi was supported by :

Daniela Nestler
Alexandra Renz
Claudia Rohr


Quasi had deformed front legs due to the lack of calcium when he
was a puppy, so he never found foster family...

He was always depending on our care and on nice sponsors willing
to support him, but he was also a very lively and happy dog, that
blended in well with our DCC packs

As a DCC Resident he spent so many happ years with us till his kidneys
failed in March 2018 - Run free old friend, we'll never forget you...

Quasi was supported by :

Daniela Nestler
Alexandra Renz
Claudia Rohr