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Name: Mitch
Breed: Mix
Gender: Male
Neutered/Spayed: Yes
Vaccinated: Yes
DCC dog for: 10 years and 3 months

Mitch - another burned dog.

And another victim of a hate attack on a dog in the Muslim quarter of Galle - the "common hand" is unfortunately too obvious and reminded us painfully of the fate our poor Krish had to suffer...

Of course one of our teams left immediately to find that dog.
Fotunately, Mitch - as he was named - could be found rather quickly, he received heavy painkillers and was rushed to our clinic.

We were shocked when we noticed that aside the severe burn wounds Mitch had other wounds infested by maggots already.
The agony of Mitch is hard to imagine !

We fought for Mitchs life - and after months of of intensive care and treatments he finally got a 2nd life.
During the long time Mitch got very attached to us and for a ReHome he was "too old", so together with his "colleagues" Sol, Casper and Suzuki he was conveyed to the DCC 50+ Program - a help program for people and animals alike, so Mitch could spent a happy life with his "colleagues".

Sadly Mitch suffered from bowl cancer and when the symptoms became (very)visible he left us in spite off all the efforts of our Vets in January 2018.


Mitch was supported by :
Dwynwen Jones
Anita Bott

Gabriele Froetel
Wombel Lack & Karosserie
Katharina Vallender
Tavia Cottam
David Walker
Wilko Mattern
Andrea Winter


Mitch - another burned dog.

And another victim of a hate attack on a dog in the Muslim quarter of Galle - the "common hand" is unfortunately too obvious and reminded us painfully of the fate our poor Krish had to suffer...

Of course one of our teams left immediately to find that dog.
Fotunately, Mitch - as he was named - could be found rather quickly, he received heavy painkillers and was rushed to our clinic.

We were shocked when we noticed that aside the severe burn wounds Mitch had other wounds infested by maggots already.
The agony of Mitch is hard to imagine !

We fought for Mitchs life - and after months of of intensive care and treatments he finally got a 2nd life.
During the long time Mitch got very attached to us and for a ReHome he was "too old", so together with his "colleagues" Sol, Casper and Suzuki he was conveyed to the DCC 50+ Program - a help program for people and animals alike, so Mitch could spent a happy life with his "colleagues".

Sadly Mitch suffered from bowl cancer and when the symptoms became (very)visible he left us in spite off all the efforts of our Vets in January 2018.


Mitch was supported by :
Dwynwen Jones
Anita Bott

Gabriele Froetel
Wombel Lack & Karosserie
Katharina Vallender
Tavia Cottam
David Walker
Wilko Mattern
Andrea Winter