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Name: Pebbles
Breed: Dachshund
Gender: Female
Age: ca 10 years and 11 months
Neutered/Spayed: Yes
Vaccinated: Yes
DCC dog since: 5 years and 5 months

We couldn't believe it at first. This sweet female dachshund was dumped by a local man in front of our gate. Before we could catch him the man drove off in a Tuktuk. The examination showed the dog had a tumor in her leg. Our vet team removed it in a surgery. We would have done this free of charge but still the owner preferred to dispose his loyal friend off like garbage.

Pebbles is adorable and we immediately fell in love with her.

We will take care of her throughout her entire life.
Will you too?

External cover for Pebbles at 53.33%

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Pebbles is sponsored by:

Maria Meier


We couldn't believe it at first. This sweet female dachshund was dumped by a local man in front of our gate. Before we could catch him the man drove off in a Tuktuk. The examination showed the dog had a tumor in her leg. Our vet team removed it in a surgery. We would have done this free of charge but still the owner preferred to dispose his loyal friend off like garbage.

Pebbles is adorable and we immediately fell in love with her.

We will take care of her throughout her entire life.
Will you too?