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Name: Thoran
Breed: Dobermann
Gender: Male
Neutered/Spayed: Yes
Vaccinated: Yes
DCC dog since: 4 years and 4 months

Pedigree dogs face a hard life all too often. As puppies they are bought as status symbols but many owners are unable to care for their special needs.

This is what happened to Thoran who was admitted in pitiful condition. He had severe skin issues and numerous wounds. 

Our decision was clear: he should never return to his useless owner. 

After successful treatment he got adopted by one of our employees. We will visit him regularly and continue to provide all medical care. 

That's what we thought!! But sadly, his owner - a Buddhist monk - recognized Thoran one Facebook and demanded him back. Legally our hands are tied and we had to return Thoran to the temple. It is heartbraking as we know he soon will become sick again...

External cover for Thoran at 15.00%

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Thoran is sponsored by:

Daniela Kiemele
Eva Glaubitz


Pedigree dogs face a hard life all too often. As puppies they are bought as status symbols but many owners are unable to care for their special needs.

This is what happened to Thoran who was admitted in pitiful condition. He had severe skin issues and numerous wounds. 

Our decision was clear: he should never return to his useless owner. 

After successful treatment he got adopted by one of our employees. We will visit him regularly and continue to provide all medical care. 

That's what we thought!! But sadly, his owner - a Buddhist monk - recognized Thoran one Facebook and demanded him back. Legally our hands are tied and we had to return Thoran to the temple. It is heartbraking as we know he soon will become sick again...